The SLOWLAB UAMEP is a laboratory of thinking, research and hybrid experiments around all the themes covered by the label regarding its members, in connection with the creation, production and distribution alternatives.Its various works are the subject of mixable multiform editions.
Therefore, Textile is a gateway but not an end for the label.
That’s why Une Autre Mode Est Possible is also declined in masculine : Another way is possible, to think and to do.The UAMEP SLOWLAB is a laboratory for hybrid thinking, research and experimentation around alternative creation, production and distribution.
In accordance with the missions of UAMEP association, the SLOWLAB inscribes its reflections, researches and experiments in two large fields of the Social and Solidarity economy :
- Circular economy :
Eco-design, research & development, product life cycle analysis, recycling, waste recovery, zero waste, materials and agriculture, production and distribution circuits, design thinking.
- Social cohesion :
Interculturality, international cooperation, fair trade, craftsmanship and valorization of know-how, integration, training, empowerment and female entrepreneurship.
© UAMEP® 2018