KOTIDIENNE is the new collection of the ecodesigned garments brand Les recuperables. This line is made of a range of “Ks” : Kipants, Kiplisse, Kiva, Kantic, Klickbag. A true autumn success where bordeaux, almond green, electric blue, flowers and tiles meet. With  as basis (as it is since the creation of the brand by Anaïs Dautais Warmel, child of the world, talented artistic director and slow-wear militant), the principles of upcycling and ecodesign : all secondhand textiles,found in resource centers and textile recycling networks. The confection is then given to small Parisian craftsmen and reintegration workshops. Produce from what exists, support solidarity, preserve the ressources by reinventing the garment,… That’s how fashion could slowly change this World,…
